
Análisis Softonic

Iniciar sesión シングルサインオン: Simplifica tu proceso de autenticación

1Signin シングルサインオン is a cloud service that provides Single Sign-On (SSO) capabilities.

With 1Signin, you can connect to all your apps with just one authentication. You can register various apps (such as office tools and cloud storage) that require login through your browser. This allows for centralized login information management and simplifies the authentication process.

By using the 1Signin extension for Google Chrome, you can achieve Single Sign-On directly from your browser. This eliminates the need to log in to each individual app, resulting in improved productivity.

The program ensures both user privacy and security through end-to-end encryption. It also includes standard features such as "Unlock Key" and "Auto Logout" to prevent unauthorized access and ensure a safe and comfortable user experience.

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